
blue background with white text written what is cashback rewards how they work and price tag with the Suits Me® logo

What is Cashback Rewards & How does it work?

Learn more about what is cashback rewards and what we offer to all Suits Me® account holders.

3 months ago

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Graphic by PayPoint - explaining how to PayPoint cash deposit on your prepaid card

Need to Top Up Your Balance? Our Guide to PayPoint cash deposit

Here’s everything you need to know about the ways for Paypoint cash deposit

3 months ago

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Closed chained up and written on the floor

How Likely Is Your Bank Account To Be Closed Without Notice?

The likelihood of your bank account being closed without any warning is generally low. However, the rate of account closures is rising. Your bank account might be closed without notice if the…

3 months ago

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Woman looking at her laptop screen stressed about her blocked account

Why has my account been blocked? Your questions answered

Imagine having all your shopping at the checkout, rushing to pay and get home, only to find out your account is blocked. Fuming, you leave the shopping where it is and stomp out…

3 months ago

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what to do if charged twice debit card

What to do if your debit card is charged twice?

Discover how to get a refund or reimbursement if you got charged twice on debit card

3 months ago

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DWP To Check Bank Accounts

DWP To Check Bank Accounts

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) oversees benefits and pensions in the UK. As part of their oversight and to check if the correct amount of funds are being sent to…

3 months ago

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man checking bank account number on card

What Is a Bank Account Number?

Bank account numbers are an integral part of banking and are issued to you when you open a new account. However, bank account numbers do much more than just provide you with a…

3 months ago

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checking comparison sites on a tablet for best quotes

Comparison Sites: The Pros and Cons

The UK has become a nation which is dependent on the data provided by comparison sites but is this such a good thing?

Gone are the days of sitting with a phone book, ringing round all the insurance companies yourself. The introduction of the internet made it easier to collect quotes online but it still meant a lot of work to go around all the different providers. Enter the comparison sites: a one-stop shop which allows consumers to search for multiple quotes on a single website.

3 months ago

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Image of a chargeback form with a pen

What is a chargeback?

In the world of e-commerce and payments online, chargebacks are an essential instrument in place to protect both consumers and merchants. A chargeback happens when you dispute a transaction or purchase made with your credit card, debit card, or other forms of payment.

4 months ago

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